CPD Questionnaires
The Taxpayer is an accredited* CPD Provider in association with the South African Institute of Taxation (SAIT).
The Taxpayer is offering continuing professional development content, at no cost, via our regular podcasts.
Listen to an episode of The Taxpayer Podcast, approximately 30 minutes in duration, and answer a short questionnaire on the podcast content for 0.5 CPD points per questionnaire. After completing a questionnaire with sufficient correct answers, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Podcast episodes can be accessed via the links on our podcast page and all available questionnaires can be accessed via the links below, or in the relevant podcast episode notes.
1. Ep. 1 International Tax: Fowler's Case
2. Ep. 2 Trusts As Trust Beneficiaries
5. Ep. 5 Resolving Tax Disputes in the High Court
6. Ep. 6 Share incentive schemes and Prescription
7. Ep. 7 Understatement Penalties
8. Ep. 8 The confidentiality of taxpayer information
9. Ep. 9 Default Judgment in the Tax Court
10. Ep. 10 Residence and Centre of Vital Interests
12. The Thistle Case
14. New Tax Court Rules and Taxpayer Confidentiality
16. Application to High Court v Appeal to Tax Court